Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break!? More Like Spring Busy

Spring Break was a very busy week for us this year.  We began the vacation week with a garage sale where we literally sold everything for $1.  We put out children's toys, VCR, VHS movies, clothes, electronics and much much more.  In the end though I have to say that our best sale of the day was when Michael sold our cat along with his food bowls, food, liter box, kitty liter, cat hut and a travel kennel for $1 to some woman.  We liked the idea of having Kitty but in all honesty we have discovered that we are definitely not cat people.
(It was nice knowing you Kitty)

Following the garage sale, Spring Break was the perfect time for an old high school friend and I to finally get together and do some catching up as well as introduce our wonderful daughters to each other.  The day we spent together was awesome and I recapped it in an early post...Old Friends Creating New Friends.  I still can't believe how well the kids really hit it off and look forward to much more time spent together.

Our next adventure of the week was dentist appointments for both Alyssa and Cayden.  For most people with small children I know that going to the dentist can be quite stressful for both the parents and the children.  For us, well it's like a day at the park.  The kids really enjoy going to the dentist. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that their Aunt works for a dental office back home or perhaps it's just because they have such great oral hygiene that they know there's nothing to fear.  Either way the appointments went great.  Both kids sat and allowed the dental assistant to take x-rays of their teeth, they were patient and waited their turns, and both opened up big and wide so the dentist could see all of their teeth.  In the end the reports came back that Alyssa has 6 loose teeth in the front of her mouth (2 on top and 4 on the bottom) and her 6 year old molars have finally started to crown.  The dentist said that she has excellent oral hygiene (something she says she doesn't get to say often) and in the last six months has grown several inches and gained a few pounds.  This putter her now at 44" tall and 45lbs.  As for Cayden, he too was a big boy.  The dentist said that everything with him too is great.  As for his growth he is now 37" tall and 30lbs.

(Here's Cayden waiting for his turn in the dental chair)

Now of course the week just wouldn't be complete if it weren't filled with lots of baseball.  Since Alyssa was placed on a team earlier this month it seems like we are living and breathing baseball.  So why should this week be any different.  Since it was Spring Break week the coaches decided that it would be in our teams best interests to get in a few extra practices plus a scrimmage game (Hammerheads vs Mavericks).  Each night practice ran for about 2 hours and the kids have really been showing some improvement.  Here are some pics from last weeks practices:

Now of course with it being Spring Break and the kids being out of school all week I also had to find things for them to do in order to keep them busy.  Our first stop was the public library to pick up some books for the week and our second stop of the week was Michael's.  Here I was able to pick up a few craft items from their $1 bins and the kids had some fun projects to work on to stay busy.

Also during spring break we bought our motorcycle (New Motorcycle); the kids and I attended a birthday party (blog to come) where they went ice skating for the first time; we cleaned out the garage and hung some new lighting; we looked at the Super Moon and took photographs (Super Moon Pics); and I was able to outfit Alyssa's practice shirt with her initials and number on the back. 

With such a busy week behind us we are now transforming back into our daily routines and gearing up for many more busy weeks ahead.   Coming up this week Michael and I will be celebrating our 5th year wedding anniversary, Alyssa is scheduled to play two exhibition games for baseball and Dalton is scheduled for an out of town O-Meet.  As for Cayden, well he's pretty much just along for the ride with everyone else this week but we may have a little surprise for him this weekend.  Thomas the Train is coming to town and we may take him out to see it!

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