Monday, March 21, 2011

Birthday Party + Ice Skating = One Fun Day!

I already told you about our visit from an old friend of mine and her daughter and how well the kids really hit it off with one another this past Tuesday.  Well as it turned out her daughter was going to be celebrating her 6th birthday this past weekend and we were invited to join in on the festivities.  The birthday party itself was going to be held at a McDonald's location in Plano and was to be followed by ice skating at the Dr. Pepper Stars Center. 

Of course at the first mention of a party the kids were excited. But then when you add in the words McDonald's and the idea of ice skating to the mix the emotions and excitement that emanated from my kids was indescribable.  What kid doesn't like the idea of going to a party and better yet what kid doesn't like the idea of a Happy Meal?  Just those two things together is the ideal day for most children. 

So, on Saturday morning we got up and the kids were a little more than eager to get their chores done for the day.  Around 11am we headed out to the McDonald's in Plano to celebrate with the birthday girl and her friends. The kids of course enjoyed playing in the play place and having Happy Meals; the birthday girl received some really cool gifts and of course they all enjoyed eating the birthday girl's beautiful Barbie cake.

(The birthday girl with a few of her guests)

(Alyssa with the Birthday Girl)

(Enjoying their Happy Meals)

(Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday)

(Make a Wish)

(Alyssa enjoying some cake)

(Cayden enjoying his icing)

(The birthday girl is opening her gift from us!)

(Some of the kids at the party)

Following the party all of the guests were invited to accompany the birthday girl and her mother to the Dr. Pepper Stars Center for some ice skating.  Now based on the pictures above it is very clear that my children were not dressed to do any ice skating.  They were dressed in summer clothes with flip flops because honestly I didn't have any intentions on going.  My kids have a hard enough time just walking some times and I couldn't imagine trying to put them into ice skates and turning them loose on the ice.  My vision of that was a total mess where they just ended up crying and wanting to leave.

Well lucky for them the birthday girl was pretty persuasive and after her mother made a phone call to confirm that we could buy socks at the arena and that she had extra coats in her car we were off to do some ice skating.  Well at least they were.  With my two bad knees there was no way anyone was going to get me on ice skates on the ice.  Hell it's trying to stand and walk on ice that has my knees bad in the first place.  The last thing I needed was to end up on my butt or worse yet one of my knees on it.

So just a few minutes later we were at the arena and I was lacing up ice skates on both Alyssa and Cayden.  To my surprise both of them were quick to get their skates on and walk around in them.  Now I have to admit that I was amazed.  Truly I had expected them to stumble around, get nervous and ultimately back out of the whole ice skating thing. However, they both in turn stepped out onto the ice with assistance and showed no fear in taking off and trying.  Of course for each of them it was difficult being that they've never even roller skated before, but they took to the ice (with assistance) as if it was nothing out of the norm and they loved it.  So for the next hour I watched in both amazement and excitement for them as they took turns going out onto the ice and running around on the regular ground surface on their ice skates.  By the end of the hour Alyssa was going around the wall of the ice rink by herself and Cayden was walking around like he was wearing tennis shoes.  What an amazing experience it was for both of them and I have to admit that I do think this will have to happen again more often.

(Alyssa's 1st Attempt on the ice)

(Now it's Cayden's turn!)

(The birthday girl is helping Alyssa)

(She's starting to get the hang of it)

(He's taking a break)

(Look at him walk in those skates!)

(Alyssa's going really fast now!)

(They're coming in for a quick break)

(The birthday girl really is like a pro on her skates)

(She's a ham for the camera too!)

(Quick photo of them for their 1st time)

(Alyssa's heading back out onto the ice)

(The birthday girl doing an arabesque and gliding on the ice)

(Alyssa's coming in on her own)

(Now she's starting her journey around the rink by herself)

(The Group that went skating)

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