Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Old Friends Creating New Friends

Today we had a wonderful visit with an old high school friend of mine and her daughter.  We've both been living here in the Dallas area for almost six years now and for the past year have so wanted to get together to hang out and introduce our daughters. Unfortunately, life has just always seemed to have gotten in our way.

Well not any more.  With Spring Break upon us, the kids out of school and her on break from teaching this week seemed like the perfect time to get together.  The weather has been great and the roads clear so there was really no reason for us not to do it.  So for our first get together we decided to do it here at our house.

The kids and I were excited.  Me because it was a chance to reconnect with someone that I used to love talking to in high school and for Alyssa and Cayden it was a chance to make a new friend.  So with the play date scheduled for 10am my two were up and excited this morning. Their rooms were cleaned, beds were made and Alyssa drew a sign welcoming her new friend to our home and offering to show her around the house.  Even Cayden was being on his best behavior today.

It wasn't long after they'd arrived before the kids were off playing and we were able to sit and just talk.  I loved learning about how she and her daughter ended up here in North Texas; how she'd decided to become a music teacher even without any prior experience with music; and more importantly learning about the person she is now and how she's changed since high school.

Another highlight to my day was watching how my children opened up and accepted this new child for who she was.  They didn't ask questions or scrutinize her for the differences that my lie between them.  Instead they invited her in, showed her their rooms, shared their toys and really learned about who she was and the things that she likes.  They played games, did artwork, ate lunch, ran around and played dress up together just as if they'd been friends forever.  They talked about their favorite colors and flowers; they discovered all of the things that they each had in common and when it was time for her to leave they were each saddened to have to say goodbye.

Who could blame them too?  This little girl was honestly amazing.  Not only was she beautiful but she was very charismatic.  She spoke well, she was very polite and she was full of character and personality.  Really she was the perfect combination of Cayden and Alyssa rolled up into one child.  She loves to do arts and crafts, she enjoys theatre and music and is very dramatic/animated in her speaking and actions.  Funny movie quotes and re-enactments aren't far away with this one around. I'd imagine that anyone who meets her instantly falls in love.

So, it was a good day.  Old friends got to catch up and new friends were made.  Even now Alyssa and Cayden can not stop talking about their new friend and how great she was.  They are even more excited about the prospect of getting to see her again this weekend.  For me, I think that all of us could learn a lesson from our kids and the way they are so willing to accept others.  I also hope that today's visit wasn't just an isolated experience and that we all get to hang out a little more often.

Here the three of them are just before the had to say goodbye.

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