Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon Pics

If you haven't stepped outside already tonight and glanced up at the moon you really don't know what you're missing.  According to NASA today the moon is the closest to Earth that is has ever been since March 28, 1983.  According to scientists the full moon appears different in sizes because of the oval shaped path it travels around the earth which causes one side of it's path (Perigee) to be approximately 50,000 kilometers closer to the Earth than the other side (Apogee).  Because it is now currently positioned in it's closest proximity to the Earth the Moon will appear to be 14% larger than it normally does.  NASA's website is referring to it as a Super Moon because of it's appearance.

So if you live in our household and there's a Super Moon scheduled for the night what do you do?   Well if your us, you get out your digital camera and telescope and you take some pictures and let the kids revel in everything they can see on the moons surface.  Let's not forget to look for the man in the moon either.  If you look really close at the pictures we took I promise you will see that he is there.

Also I would like to point out that we did take these pictures using our digital camera and peering through the telescope with it.  These pictures were not edited or altered in any manner.  This is what the moon truly looks like from our position.

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