Friday, January 14, 2011

A Star is Born!

For Dalton's birthday Michael and I gave him a digital camcorder.  He'd been hinting around since the summer that it was something he was hoping to receive as a gift for Christmas.  After watching him walk around the last six months taking 30 second videos with his cell phone we decided that it would be an appropriate gift for his 15th birthday.  So on his birthday we gave him a ColorPix digital camcorder that was sort of like the Flip cameras.  Regretfully it ended up breaking within the first 24 hours of use and we returned it to the store.

Obviously upon returning it we'd decided that we weren't going to do an even exchange. So we had our money refunded and started shopping around for a new one.  We ended up finding an incredible deal on a Samsung with the carry case, tripod and 4GB memory card over at BestBuy and purchased it. 

Now Dalton is armed with a video camera, the kids are basically crazy and they are trying to find ways to entertain themselves in the evenings.  So what do they do?  Well with the camera rolling Cayden has taken the spotlight to become an instant star.  So here it is people, your first glimpses at the craziness that is Cayden.  Get some popcorn and soda, sit back and prepare to laugh because this kid is crazy.  Oh and I promise that no animals or people were harmed in the making of these videos....only my sanity. LOL

(Tumbling through Space)

(Crazy Laughter)

(Extreme sports stunts)

(You're killing me!)

(Astronaut Auditions)

An actor in the making? Maybe.

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