Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Snow of the Season

The first snow of the season/year has finally arrived in North Texas.  As we awoke this morning to a dreary sight of freezing cold rain the outlook for today started off very grim.  Of course we'd watched the news last night and saw that 2"-4" of snow was expected in and around the Dallas area but the site that was before us this morning said otherwise.

Around 11am, as I was updated and loading new software onto the kids computer I glanced out of the window to see that the snow was finally falling.  For a while it came down steady and thick and in no time it was sticking to the roofs, vehicles and grass.  At first the kids were elated and wanted to run out and play, but with all of the rain that preceeded the snow outside was not an option.

So to take their minds off of playing in the snow we decided to take Dalton out for some post-birthday shopping with his money and gift cards he'd received from family and friends.  By about 3:30 this afternoon the shopping was done and the snow was slacking so we headed home for some fun.

By the time we reached home I am regretful to say that Cayden had fallen asleep and preferred to nap rather than play in the snow.  I am also sorry to say that there aren't many pictures of us actually playing because the snow had already begun to melt and it was wet and cold.  However I am happy to say that I did snap a few pictures of the beauty there was to behold thanks to the wonderful coat of white that everything had.  I also had time to create a snow sculpture of my own.  The kids were working on a snowman but quickly destroyed it before I had a chance to finish it's head so now we have a head sitting on the front lawn.  Odd but fun!

(She was waiting all day to throw that first snowball)

(Kitty didn't care for it too much)

(The beginning of my head)

(He's smiling up from the front yard)

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