Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Have a Fifteen Year Old! Wait, Whaaaaa!?

Yesterday was Dalton's 15th birthday! Can you believe it? He's actually fifteen years old.  I'm not supposed to have a 15 year old yet! That's not supposed to happen for another 8 1/2 years! A least that's what you would think anyway.

It just doesn't seem like it's been almost 8 years since I met my husband and his skinny little 7 year old son. Of course I didn't meet Dalton until several months into dating his father and I haven't left since that day.  There I was at 24 years of age dating a single Dad with a 7 year old son and never in my wildest dreams did I think that we would still be together as a larger family today.  Isn't it funny how life works out?

Now fastforward almost 8 years through all sorts of memories to today.  It was about a month ago when we began asking Dalton what he would like to do for his birthday. Would he want a party (he's never really had many of them)?  Would he want to go somewhere?  What would he like to do?  The only information that I was able to get out of him was that he wasn't too interested in inviting people over to hang out nor to have a big party.  He just wanted some tacos for dinner and a cookie cake.  Seriously, this was the easiest birthday I've ever had to worry about.  The hardest part of it all was selecting the right gift.

This past weekend, while Dalton was still visiting with his mother in Louisiana, we headed over to Fry's to find that perfect gift for him.  After much debating on what we wanted to get for him as well as how much we were able to spend we ended up purchasing him a ColorPix digital camcorder.  He'd been hinting around that he wanted one and is always complaining about how he has a YouTube account with no videos on it.  So what better gift than a camcorder that would fit in his pocket and plug right into the usb port on the laptop for him to be able to upload and share his videos. 

Well his birthday finally arrived yesterday and he was so funny getting ready for school.  He kept walking around the house and looking at me expectantly awaiting that "Happy Birthday" greeting.  Well I know that it's mean but I let him leave for school without anything being said about it being his birthday.  What he didn't know was that I'd already posted it on his facebook page.  So as the day wore on  I ran around trying to get things done in the house and then it was off to the store for the cake, some ice cream and stuff to make tacos.

At about 4:30 in the afternoon Dalton walked in through the door from school and again I just left things as being a normal day.  I asked if he had any homework; he said yes and I told him to get it done.  About 20 minutes later he was sitting next to me on the sofa with that sad puppy look just staring at me and the two kids almost like he was in disbelief that no one had said anything yet.  So I slowly lowered the book that I was reading, looked at him and shouted "Happy Birthday!".  To which he jumped and almost fell on the floor. LOL

After Michael got home from work we had our taco dinner, sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cookie cake and ice cream.  As we were finishing up I looked at Michael and said "Hey, I think we forgot something.  I'm not quite sure what it is but I can't shake the feeling that something is missing."  Under his breath Dalton replied "My gifts".  So Michael went and got his present out of the office and gave it to him.  Of course his face lit up at the site of a present and his first guess was that we'd gotten him a book.  Once the gift was in his hand he turned with a perplexed look and said "It's not a book?! It's too light."  As he unwrapped the gift his smile continued to grow wider and wider until he looked like a happily deranged clown without any makeup.  I think I can confidently say that he is very happy with his birtday gift.

After that we ended the night by playing and competing with each other on Game Party in Motion on the Kinect.  Now the only thing left that he has no clue about is that Michael is planning on taking him out to the shooting range this weekend for some father/son time.  (Glad he doesn't read my blog 'cause the surprise would be ruined).

(Dalton and I 2003)

(2005 @ the Ringling Bros. Circus)

(The Cake)

(Wonder what he wished for. Hmmm.....)

(Cayden really liked the icing)

(Hmmm, I don't think it's a book.)

(OMG! It's not a book!)

(Happily Deranged Circus Clown with his camera)

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