Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

We spent a nice quiet New Year's Eve at home with the kids.  This has become quite the family tradition for us.  No big parties, no dangers of being on the roads with possible drunk drivers and our fireworks consist of a tube of party poppers for the kids to enjoy.

For the first time both Alyssa and Cayden stayed awake until midnight to ring in the New Year and even Michael managed to keep his eyes open.  The night began with some DVD rentals.  While Michael and the kids watched the A-Team I busied myself with making cookies, hot dogs, chili and cocktail sausages in BBQ sauce.  Sorry there aren't any pictures but it was all eaten up just as quickly as I could make it. LOL

In the midst of this we had to take a break when the city of Mesquite came out to fix our sewer problems.  Yes we had to call those poor guys out on New Year's Eve night because the sewer was backing up into our backyard.  What a mess it is out there and believe me you will appreciate that I haven't taken pictures of that either. EEEWWWW!

With the sewer problem resolved we went back to just sort of hanging out and watching the various New Year's Eve specials on TV.  It wasn't long before the kids were up and dancing around the living room.

At about 10 minutes until midnight we decided to take the kids outside and let them start on their party poppers and snap 'n pops.  Being that this was the first time in our house for the New Year we weren't quite sure what to expect and wanted the kids to be able to enjoy their fun.

With their poppers all popped and it being about five after midnight we quickly ushered the kids back indoors due to the sounds of gun shots ringing out in the distance.  Now even though these were not being fired in our neighborhood, they were still close enough to be heard and remember what goes up must come down somewhere.  With keeping that in mind and the fact that a bullet can travel several miles in distance we brought the kids indoors and finished off our night with a little more dancing followed by an episode of The Three Stooges.  Quite an odd finish I know but we were channel surfing at about 1/4 til 1am and happened to stop there.

All in all it was a good night and hopefully the New Year will be filled with plenty more joyous memories.
What?! Did I forget about our New Year's Resolutions?!  Okay, here goes:

I don't believe in making resolutions.  Much too often people resolve at the beginning of the year that this will be the year that they do something and too often they are left scrambling at the end of that year trying to make that resolution come true.  For me my goals are always the same:
1. No matter what happens in life, keep moving forward.
2. Continue to devote my time to teaching my children to be the best that they can be and nothing more.
3. Continue to work towards a stable financial future.
4. Enjoy what life has given us and teach our children to do the same.
5. Spend time with family and friends.
6. Share the gifts of talent that I have been so blessed to receive with those whom appreciate them.

These are my life goals.  Things happen in their own time and I do not believe in setting a yearly time limit on achieving them.  So with that I hope that everyone is looking forward to a wonderful 2011 and I hope that it has everything you desire in store for you.

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