Thursday, December 2, 2010

Writing with Alyssa

Each day at school Alyssa's class has what they call their Writer's Workshop Time.  This time is for the students to write anything that they can imagine down.  The writings can be about anything the choose whether it's about what they've done this past week, something they are planning to do, a story that they make up and even a letter to someone.  Here I would like to share with you some of the most recent things that Alyssa has written.  Some are very heartfelt while others are just really imaniginitive and off the wall. I hope that you enjoy!

Written 10/15/10:

Every weekend me and my brothers look at the cloulds.  My big brother said "Do you like nature?". I said "yes" to him. "How about you?" He said "I do". Then we saw some birds. "I see a bird" I said. "I do not" said my big brother. My little brother said "where are they?". Me and my big brother laughed. It was fun.

No date:
One day at night two spooky ghosts came out at 7:00pm. Big Brother got to drive. We saw a vampire on the way home so he called my Mom and Dad. Then the vampire got in the car. He did not get me but he got my big brother plus he got Mom and Dad. So I was on my own.

When I grew up I was fighting vampires. It was hard work but fun. Then one day a vampire bit me and I died. My babies called me one night. I tried not to bite the but I still did. So I tried to wear it off but when it wore off I became a warewolf!

Written 10/25/10:
Once upon a time there was a vampire. He liked to eat spaghetti and meatballs but his favorite food was blood. One Halloween night he looked for something to eat that had blood in it.  Then he found a goofy goat and farmer and bit them. Then he found another man and dog to eat. He bit into them. Then he saw a ghost and it looked like a girl and he tried to bite the ghost, but the ghost bit him and he died again and was a zombie and he as never seen again.

There was a new vampire in town and he did the same thing over and over again. It never ended. It kept going. In 1982 the vampire died.

There was a haunted house. A kid named Kitla was brave and one day she went into the haunted house and said "AHHHHHHHHH" and she ran all the way home. Then another kid came along. His name was Nollis. He never ever got scared but he could not go in because he had a cold.

My Aunt Stephanie by Alyssa  written 12/30/10
In the next two weeks my Aunt Stephanie is coming. We are going to ride the Polar Express and other stuff like that. I am excited. I can't wait. I love her more than anyone. She is my favorite family member. I love her.

My Aunt is nice. When I say nice I mean reeaaaallllly nice. She is not like any other aunt. I loooove her sooooo much. How would you say you love her? I would say I LOVE YOU!

Last year my Aunt came for my birthday. She stayed 'till Monday. We played lots of games! Next year she might come. She is rrreeealllly nice! I imagine her as a butterfly.

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