Sunday, December 19, 2010

Starting to Throw a Little Caution to the Wind

Out of our three children I have to admit that Alyssa is our cautious one.  Never have I had to worry about her doing something dangerous, running too far away, or putting herself in harms way.  If anything, she usually tends to over think her situations and eventually scares herself out of doing anything that she thinks she could get hurt at.  In most cases it has been a major blessing, however there are times when it tends to be a little much.

At the age of 6, Alyssa is as bright and smart as they come.  She excels academically at school, reads a 100 page book a night, and loves anything that is technical.  Like most kids her age she loves going outside to play and wants to try new things all of the time.  Unfortunately though, she still can not ride a bike nor roller skate.  However, over the past few weeks she has begun to come out of her shell and is raising the bar when it comes to her daredevil tactics.  With a little coaxing from myself and her father she has recently started to hang upside down on the swing set.  As of yesterday she decided (with a little encouragement) to take the upside hanging a step farther and began to swing upside down.  The look on her face and the sound of her voice after accomplishing such a huge feat was priceless

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