Friday, December 17, 2010

Reindeer, Running and a Class Party

Today was the last day of school for the kids before the winter break.  As with most schools the last week before Christmas (especially the days just before) are usually full of lots of fun activities, gift exchanges and classroom parties.  As the classroom "Mom" for Alyssa's school I am generally the parent who is there for all of their events.  Today was no different. 

Just after their Thanksgiving party back in November Alyssa's teacher (Ms. Smith) and I started planning the Holiday party for the class.  She'd decided that since there was already the "Reindeer Run" scheduled for today as well as early release for all of the students that she'd like to do their class party on the same day and to make it a sort of breakfast/brunch type of party.  So with some brainstorming we decided to request that each student bring one item for the party as well as a wrapped book that would be used for a book exchange.  After that we would provide some small crafts for the kids to do and their day could be rounded off with some movies and other activities or parents would be able to sign them out early.

My item to bring for the party was pigs in a blanket.  Now being me I couldn't just settle for bringing them some hotdogs wrapped in biscuits.  I needed to do something fun that they would love and would be just as creative as the "turkey" sandwiches I'd brought for Thanksgiving.  After a little brainstorming I cam up with the idea of turning the pigs in a blanket into little reindeer for the class to enjoy. 

As we (Michael took 1/2 day off of work) arrived at the school and checked in with the office we immediately saw Ms. Smith's class lined up in the hallway ready to start the Reindeer Run.  (This is an annual excersize measure taken by the school that gets the kids excited about the holidays but reminds them to excersize while on their break.  They get to run two blocks around the school while being cheered on by teachers and other staff members on every corner.) So quickly I went and dropped our things in the classroom and we were off.

At the finish lines the kids were all excited to be greeted by Santa!

After visiting with Santa briefly we headed into the classroom and started the holiday party festivities.  There were plenty of snacks, a Gingerbread man book exchange, and several crafts for the kids.  During the book exchange the children sat in a circle holding the wrapped book that they brought to school. While in the circle Ms. Smith read to them the story of the Gingerbread Man.  As she read the story any time that she would say any form of the word run (i.e. ran, running,) the kids were to pass the gifts in their hands to the right.  At the end of the story whichever gift they had in their hands was theirs to keep.

By 10:30am the festivities were over, the class was headed to p.e. and we were headed home for the day.  A very busy morning indeed but lots of fun!  I love being the classroom "Mom"!

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