Monday, April 25, 2011

Writing with Alyssa

It's been a while since I've posted anything that Alyssa has written.  For the most part it is because she really hasn't been bringing home her stories from school like she was and I guess that we've just been so busy lately that it's been sort of over looked.  Well, last week she did finally bring home a stack of papers full of stories and journal entries that she'd written at school.  So without further delay here are some of Alyssa's journal entries and stories that I thought were just too sweet not to share.

Weekend News by Alyssa

Yesterday I went to my friends birthday party.  We played fashion show. I was the winner. After the fashion show we ate cheese balls, pretzels, cheese, pink lemonade and chicken salad.  We played a game. It was a race. We had a tie.  We made our own head bands. We opened presents. We ate cupcakes. We got to take teacups and tea plates. My cupcake had a girl with a flower dress that matched me.  There were no, no, no, NO boys allowed.  I had the most fun I ever had.  It was in March. I think my Mom had a great time too. She was talking the whole time.  Well I was playing. It was just me and Mom for the first time.

Weekend News by Alyssa

Last Saturday I went ice skating. I wear a size eleven. I was fast. I was dragging my new friend's mom. I can stop myself. Too bad my Mom doesn't ice skate. I can do a swizzle. It does not hurt when I fall. Falling is fun. My friend is very dangerous. She goes in front of people. My Mom said I can go ice skating if I want.

Weekend News by Alyssa

Yesterday i went to the Art Museum. It was fun. I made a fairy out of foil. I did an obstacle course. I made a ring. I went with my friends.  We didn't get to play with paint.  We looked at art.

Alyssa's Extraordinary Deed by Alyssa

I gave blueberries to Nicholas. It made him make a blueberry cake. He was blue, blue, blueberry happy so he gave one to Madelyn which made her happy.  So she did five more deeds. She saw a poor man. She said in her nicest voice "I'll get you food and a drink."  Then the poor man saw a woman that last her dog.  He found it and gave it to her. She was so happy she gave the Mayor 17 cats.  It reached the whole world.

An Old Man Who Swallowed a Horse by Alyssa

There was an old man who swallowed a horse! I don't know why he swallowed a horse. Go ask your Dad.  There was an old man who swallowed a cow! He swallowed the cow to trap the horse.  I don't know why he swallowed the horse. Go ask your Dad. The next thing he ate was a goat. The goat said "baaaaaa" and the people said "he is nuts."

*This story had a picture drawn with it that was a horse and a cow each on different sides of the old man's stomach and arguing over their sides. LOL*

The Friend Beach by Alyssa

The friend beach is a wonderful place. It's a place where friends have fun together. Someone alone comes to make a  friend. "I don't have a friend" the person said. "Who lets people in?" "Everyone here will be your friend" said the man standing at the entrance. "I'll be your friend too."  "Well thank you" said the person who had no friends.

The Bad Case of Hair by Alyssa

Lucy was going to the big park. She loved dresses. She wore a plain dress. She wanted to be like everyone else.  The next thing she knew there was rainbow colored hair.  Lucy screamed. Her mother, Carmel, ran in. She screamed "you are not to go." Her face is blue and red. Lucy's hair turned red and blue. She wore a dress. She is cursed.

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