Monday, April 4, 2011

Tea Time!

Yesterday Alyssa and I attended a tea party that was held in honor of the birthdays of two very sweet girls.  The invite that we'd received several weeks ago asked that the guests attending should wear their prettiest dresses, hats, gloves, jewelry etc and join the birthday girls and their friends for tea.  It was also requested that this party was for girls only and the hostess' did not want any boys in attendance. 

So with Alyssa dressed for the party (Mom doesn't even own a dress) and Cayden staying home with Dad, she and I were tea party bound.  Now I have to say that I am by far not a mother or woman that does anything particularly girly.  I like things comfortable, relaxed and laid back.  As for Alyssa, yeah she does ballet and likes princesses but that's usually as far as it will go. So I was a little worried that she would feel out of place.

Once we arrived of course Alyssa took no time in going off to play with her friends.  The hostess already had the tables set with place settings for all of the girls whom were to attend and the food spread was simple and looked great.  The cupcakes she'd made were just the cutest.

Once all of the guests had arrived the kids were asked to find their places at the tables so that we could begin serving them.  The girls were all just so cute sitting there with their pretty dresses on, napkins in their laps and sipping on their "tea" (it was actually pink lemonade).

After tea time was finished the girls were then asked into another room where they played a few games and were able to make their own headbands.  Unfortunately at this point I was preoccupied by being a social mom that I missed out on these activities and only got the after pictures of the headbands.

After the activities it was time for the birthday girls to open their presents. Now I must tell you here that these two girls are indeed sisters but for those of you wondering, no they are not twins.  They are actually just over a year apart in age and since their birthdays are within just a week or two of each other they celebrate them together.

(Some of the guests waiting to watch the gift opening)

(I love how they were all sitting alike)

(Birthday Girl Riley)

(Birthday Girl Aydia)

After the presents were all opened we sang happy birthday and each of the girls were given a strawberry cupcake. Again they were so cute I couldn't help but take another picture before the cupcake was destroyed.

At the end of the party the mom's took the opportunity to take some photos together and the hostess' surprised each of the guests by telling them that they could take home their tea cups and saucers from the party.

It really was a very cute and fun party.  Not stressful and even though they were all dolled up, very relaxing.  Alyssa even asked me to host a tea party for her one day since she enjoyed this one so much but I honestly have to say that I'll probably leave the tea parties for the other moms to do.

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