Monday, April 25, 2011

Game #5

Our fifth game of the season was played on Thurday April 21st against the Dallas Thunder.  The final score for this game was Hammerheads 6 Dallas Thunder 28.  So in a season where we have already played five games our current standings are 0-5.  I apologize for not having any pictures or video to show for this game, however with it being a really busy day and us being crunched for time I mistakenly forgot to grab the battery for my digital camera.  As for the video, well Dalton was recording the game with his digital video camera but two people from the oppossing team managed to bump into it twice while it was on the tri-pod, knocking it over onto the ground and eventually breaking it.  Unfortunately because he did not say anything when it happened I was unaware of what had been done until after the game, the persons walked away without apologizing to him or offering to fix it and we were left with no video of the game.  Sucks, I know.

So the camera is now being taken to Best Buy to see if they can fix it (luckily we bought the extended warranty that would cover it getting wet or being dropped) and we are now putting our focus towards this week's game against the Raiders.  Hopefully, before the season ends, our kids will be able to experience what it feels like to actually win a game.

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