Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Toothless Wonder

Back in march both Alyssa and Cayden had their 6 month check up visits with the dentist.  At that time we were told that all six of Alyssa's front teeth were loose, they had no roots and the new teeth were already in place in the gums.  Of course we were excited to get the news and have been anticipating the loss of her first tooth.  Every day for the past two months she has wiggled her loose teeth as part of a daily routine in hopes that they would begin to loosen.  Finally on the week following my birthday she had a tooth on the bottom that was extremely loose and wiggling more and more each day.   As the days passed Alyssa continued to wiggle that tooth in hopes that it would just fall out and finally on the 28th it was so loose that she allowed me to pull it.

As it turned out her "new" tooth had already crowned and was pushing up through the gums directly behind the loose one and it was beginning to give her a little discomfort.  So as she lay across my lap watching television I sat and continuously moved her tooth in a circular motion to loosen any remaining attachments to the gums and once it was rotating freely I pulled the tooth up and out.  Once the bleeding stopped we put her tooth in an envelope that was labeled for the tooth fairy and she couldn't wait to place it under her pillow.  The following morning the envelope was gone and in it's place was a $1.  (Hmmmm, I wonder how that got there)

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