Monday, June 13, 2011

Can You See What I See???

Have you ever heard the phrase "art is every where you look"?  Have you ever taken the time to look around you and visualize the art that others are missing? Have you ever spent an evening lying on your back gazing up at the clouds with your children as you point out all of the neat shapes and images they can create? How about a day at a museum filled with famous artifacts?  Each of these scenarios is an example of how a person can view the art around them.  Every person of course perceives art in their own fashion and every person creates art in their own way.

Perhaps you are a person that loves to sew.  Maybe you enjoy drawing or painting.  Perhaps you're a musician or even a chef.  Whatever you do in life you can be an artist in your field.  It's the way you perceive things and present them to others that will set you apart from everyone else in the world.  For me, well I have many ways of expressing myself artistically and until now I have never shared with anyone the ways that I perceive the world.

Like many I have spent countless hours gazing at the stars and the clouds and depicting images that I can see lying within them.  Like few I have also spent hours staring at the textures that encompass my walls, ceilings and floors in my home and amazingly can find hidden pictures within them as well.  This is something that I began doing as a child and will still do today.  Never before have I revealed it to anyone because.......well, because I thought it would make me appear to be just a little insane. LOL As of late I've slowly began to point out little things to members of my family and I can not express to you the relief that I've felt in knowing that once I point the images out to them they too can see them.  So today I would like to share with you a few of those images that I have come to notice hidden within my home. For each image I will first give you a photo of the section of the wall as it appears to the naked eye.  These images are there and were not placed there by anyone. However I do find it very difficult not to take a pencil and some paints and create those images where they are for everyone to see.  I think that it would be an awesome idea to turn the brick wall in my dining room into an artwork of individually graffiti bricks but alas I do not think my landlord would appreciate it as much as I would.  So as a recourse I've decided to take photos of these images as I find them and outline them using my GIMP photo editing program which I will provide to you as the second photo of each image. 

Some of these are pretty awesome and it amazes me to see them however I have to admit that some of them also creep me out.  Whenever I find an image of something that appears to be looking back....well let's just admit that anything looking back at you through a wall is just weird and creepy!

Image #1:  In this image there is a Boba Fett Helmet facing the right with what appears to be an explosion cloud accompanied by the dismembered parts of a space craft and the top of the parachute of the pilot.  Can you see it?

Image #2:  There are quite a few things happening in this photo.  First let's look at the obvious image which would be of a marshmallow head (think marshmallow man) wearing a pair of 80's style headphones. Directly to the right of the marshmallow head is a lizard head with a mohawk. Directly below them is a sideways character that appears to be looking around something and waving.  And on the top there is a grumpy cat face to the far left and a Jabba the Hutt type character in the center.  Can you see them?

Image #3:  This image reminds me of something from Halo or Mech Assault.  In this image you can see a compound or building of some type situated atop of a hill, there is an erupting volcano and coming from the opposite side of the volcano appears to be some sort of mech character. Can you see it?

Image #4: This image also has a few things going on in it.  To the immediate left of the brick you can see what appears to be the outline of boy or person wearing a robe or cape.  In the center is a Domo like character whom appears to be recreating 'The Scream'.  But with the creepy skull and droid type spider thing that has a mouth full of souls who wouldn't scream?!  Can you see it?

Image #5:  Here you can see what appears to be a very buff monkey holding a gun and some sort of prehistoric bird/fish creature peeking over a rock. Can you see them?

Image #6:  This one is crazy but also one of my favorites since it's so bizarre.  Notice the robot chicken head floating in the center about what appears to be a body of water.  Out of the clouds appears a knight or space man and out of the water is a creepy sci-fi type eye.  Awesome! Can you see it?

Image #7:  This one isn't quite as detailed or extravagant as some of the others but it is sure to creep you out.  Notice the angry man staring at you?

Image #8: This is an alternate view of the Boba  Fettafro that reminds me of the video game afro samurai. Can you see them?

Image #9: This guy looks like a little alien dude with an afro.  Alyssa says he's a cartoon Yoda with a fro. Can you see him?

Image #10: Is it a ghost? Is it an alien? Perhaps its E.T.  or a boy wrapped in a blanket. Can you see him?

Image #11:  Oh no! There's two! Can you see them?

Image #12: I'm not sure what happened to this guys face but he's certainly not happy about it.  They eye on the left is really large and his mouth is open. Can you see him?

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