Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Memorial Day

The past several weeks have been pretty crazy for us here, thus resulting in a lack of posting to my blog.  Please bear with me during the next several postings as I try to bring everyone up to date on our life happenings.

For Memorial Day we were supposed to take the kids camping in Oklahoma for the extended weekend.  Initially we'd rsvp'd no to two birthday parties for that weekend, passed up tball practice for Alyssa and had planned to spend what was going to be the last long weekend with Dalton (before he leaves for the summer) roughing it in the open outdoors of one of Oklahoma's State Parks.  The hardest part for us was choosing which park we wanted to go to first.  Oklahoma offers such a variety of great outdoor experiences that we were up to the last minute on choosing our destination when Michael was told that his long holiday weekend was being cut short and they were going to need him to work that Saturday.  Now of course they didn't tell him anything about this until after 5pm on Friday, he ended up working late that evening and all of our plans for the weekend were quickly washed away.

So what do you do when your holiday weekend plans have been cancelled and you're trapped indoors with three extremely restless children?  You help them build a huge wooden train track on your living room floor in hopes that it occupies them long enough for you to figure out some new plans for the weekend. 

In all honesty, that diversion worked for about an hour.  After that they were back to running around the house and over the next couple of days would frequently go back to play with the track for a bit before running off to do something else.

On the actual day of Memorial Day we decided to do like the rest of America and have some BBQ and to entertain the kids we set up their slip 'n slide out in the back yard for some fun.  Now something you should understand about our kids is that the ability to actually run and slide on a slip 'n slide completely escapes them and they usually end up flopping down and going absolutely no where.  It's sort of funny to watch in the beginning because no matter how hard they try the end up just anchoring to the spots where they land.  After many failed attempts on their parts to successfully slide across the water on their inflatable body boards we invented a new and fun sport of kid bowling.  Pretty much what happens is the kids will either sit or lie down on their boards and one of us will throw them down their "lane" on the slip 'n slide.  The kids ended up having a blast, everyone got a little wet and in the end we captured some pretty great photos of all of the fun. 

So no birthday parties, no camping, no fishing, no hiking and our plans were flubbed but we still managed to get outside and have a little fun!

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