Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Rock

Wow! I can't believe that it has been a year since I posted my last blog. So much has happened during that time with our family however, today's blog isn't going to be about any of that stuff. Instead I'm going to blog about a journey that began four years ago and as of today is now complete. A journey that was long and winding, took immense amounts of dedication and determination, and one which inspired others to begin their own journeys. As of today Michael has now completed all of his requirements for his Associates Degree and I couldn't be prouder of him.

During the Fall of 2008 Michael began talking about wanting to return to school and earn his associates degree. We had many discussions and a few disagreements about when he would return, how we would pay for it, what he would study, and when he'd have time to attend classes. At the time, I'll admit that I couldn't see just how important his decision was going to be to our present and I hated the idea of him being out of the house more than he already was. I felt like it was an excuse that he was coming up with to spend more time away from home. I honestly couldn't have been more wrong.

In January 2009, Michael did the one thing that I have come to both love and hate about him...he went after what he knew he wanted regardless of how I felt. He enrolled in his first semester at Eastfield Community College and began his journey towards earning his degree.  That first semester was quite the adjustment. He enrolled in two classes, a remedial math and History 1301. We had to pay for everything upfront and he was in school several days per week in the evenings.  I was angry with him for taking so much away from us (money and time), but again I wasn't yet seeing the big picture. I also thought that there was no way he was going to keep up the schedule he was managing. I couldn't have been more wrong. That semester he finished both of his classes with A's, his employer refunded his tuition, Dalton moved back in with us, and the routine for our next four years had begun.

That Fall an entirely new normal began for our family. Dalton moved back in with his mother for another year, Alyssa began Kindergarten, and Michael enrolled in another remedial math course, earned himself a B, and completed his first year of college. We were starting to realize that this was going to be a long journey for the both of us. We still had no clue how much it would change us.

In 2010, Michael enrolled in 3 more courses. By this time he was now beginning to receive financial aid and he had a grade point average of 3.0. He was also starting to suggest that I return to school and earn my degree but,  I still was not seeing the big picture and tossed the ideas aside. I already had two failed attempts at college under my belt, we'd finally paid off my student loans, and I was in no hurry to fail at a third attempt. Michael however, was still going to work, taking his classes, and finding time for us as a family. In that year we also moved into the house we currently live in, made an unexpected trip to Louisiana for the death of my best friend's mother, Alyssa graduated Kindergarten, and Dalton moved back home. How in the hell was Michael able to keep up with everything?

By the Spring semester of 2011 my attitude towards Michael and college started to change. I was still becoming frustrated at times with his lack of time spent at home but for two years I'd sat and watched as he spent countless hours trying to do homework and study for tests. I watched as he got up every morning for work and spent an infinite amount of  hours out in the elements no matter how sick he was, how hot or cold it was, or how wet he was. When he had free time he would give in to my demands of spending time as a family. It was watching his tireless efforts and his dedication that helped inspire me to go back to school and earn my own degree. Thanks to him I began researching my own options and made plans to return to school that Fall. We were also adjusting that year to having a teenager in the house, Alyssa's first year in baseball, and a summer where we were hit hard with two family deaths back home in Louisiana. Through it all not only did Michael manage to stick with everything he had on his plate, he also managed to hold me up and keep me on track when I felt that everything was falling apart.  As if all of that wasn't enough of a feat, he also maintained a 3.53 GPA. This man really is amazing!

In 2012, Michael began stepping it up with school. During the Spring semester he knocked out 4 courses, including a scuba diving course, earned his scuba certification and ended the semester with a 3.5 GPA. For the first time in two years he took the summer off from classes but resumed in the Fall with 2 more classes and earned himself a 2.0 GPA for the semester.

Now in 2013 he has completed his last required class for his associates degree and has done so with an overall 3.4 GPA. He is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, has a passion for science, and hopes to have a future working with wildlife. He has persevered  when even I thought he wouldn't. Not only has he achieved a goal for himself, but he has also helped me find myself and has set an example for our kids and others to follow. And if this wasn't already enough he plans to further his education in the future. After a short break from school Michael will begin his next journey towards earning his Bachelor's Degree.

As for Michael, congratulations on finally finishing! I am so proud of you and all you have done. Thank you for setting the standards and being such a wonderful example for our children. Thank you for managing to do the things that you do and still be able to maintain a clear head and steady hand when things don't look so great and for helping keep me balanced when I needed it the most.  I know now that what you do and what you have done has not only been for yourself personally but to better the future for us and our family and for that I thank you as well. You should be proud of who you are and all you have done. I hope that you finally feel a sense of accomplishment that is long overdue and that a weight has finally been lifted from your shoulders. I know that you are not finished and there is still more you wish to do but take the time and enjoy this victory while you can.  I can't wait to walk across that stage with you in May for graduation. I love you!

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