Monday, May 16, 2011

And his award is.....A fortune cookie fortune????

On Thursday May 12, 2011 the North Mesquite High School J.R.O.T.C. held their annual awards ceremony for all of the cadets enlisted in their program.  This was a mandatory event for all of the cadets to attend and of course family was welcomed.  The ceremony began shortly after 6pm and up first to receive their rewards were all of the first year cadets.  With them lined up in alphabetical order and the ceremony ready to begin the Colonel stepped up and announced to the parents that the first years would not be receiving any awards, however they would be called up individually and recognized for the awards (ribbons, medals etc) that they've earned throughout the school year.  Following the first years they would then award "the real awards" (according to the Colonel) to the second years and upper classmen followed by an announcement of the choice for the new brigade commander for next year.  All first years would be allowed to leave after the completion of the first year ceremony but were encouraged to stay for the remainder of the event.

So when it was Dalton's turn to be called, they called his name and read off a list of letter number names that identified his awards; he approached the current brigade commander; they shook hands; she handed him a piece of paper that looked like a fortune from a fortune cookie; they saluted one another and he was finished.

Seriously it was like being at a bingo hall.  As Dalton's name was called they began to read off on the list of awards which were N-1, N-4, N-2 etc.  I was all I could do listening to them call out these numbers for each kid not to jump up and yell out "BINGO!".  I guess the best part of the evening was that we were there to support him and we were able to get a few photos of him in his full uniform. 

The ribbons that Dalton has are: N-1-6 (LET Service), N-3-5 (Orienteering), N-3-7 (Rifle Team), N-3-10 (Good Conduct), N-2-1 (Varsity Athletics), and a few more that I can't remember right now...need to find the list.

The badges and devices he has are: a green cord (orienteering) and an expert marksmanship badge.

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