Monday, February 10, 2014

All I Need Is Love

With Valentine's Day fast approaching the stores are fully stocked with everything red and pink, florists are gearing up for their busiest day of the year, and men everywhere ate trying to find that perfect something that says 'I Love You'.

Valentine's Day has become so commercialized that even those who don't celebrate it find it hard to escape the effects that this holiday brings: excitement, love, lust, depression, loneliness, anger, and disappointment.

As we sat talking tonight my husband asked me that same question that he asks me every year "Do you want something for Valentine's Day?" As he asked the question I could already see the regret in his eyes for asking and his fear of the answer he thought I may give. With a smile and a shrug here is my response:

I do not expect anything. Like many other women around the world, I hope that I will receive something, but that something does not have to come from a store. What I hope to receive on Valentine's Day is nothing more than I hope to receive from you every other day: love, kindness, support, and respect.

Do for me as you hope to one day watch another man do for your daughter.  Give to me the things that you hope to teach to your son about love and happiness. Love is not something that happens only once per year. It should be celebrated and displayed daily. 

Love isn't found in a box of chocolates, a card, a bouquet of flowers, or a jewelry box. It is in the time that we spend together talking, holding hands, laughing, arguing, and helping each other. So  what I want for Valentine's Day is nothing more than you already give me everyday. If you choose to buy me something it will be greatly appreciated however please know that I do not now or have I ever expected anything.